KB4Rec: A Data Set for Linking Knowledge Bases with Recommender Systems

Published in Data Intelligence Journal, 2019

Recommended citation: Wayne Xin Zhao, Gaole He, Kunlin Yang, Hong-Jian Dou, Jin Huang,Siqi Ouyang and Ji-Rong Wen. KB4Rec: A Data Set for Linking Knowledge Bases with Recommender Systems. Data Intelligence 2019. http://RichardHGL.github.io/files/KB4Rec.pdf

In this paper, we present KB4Rec v1.0, a data set linking KB information for RSs. It has linked three widely used RS data sets with two popular KBs, namely Freebase and YAGO. paper, data & code

Recommended citation: Wayne Xin Zhao, Gaole He, Kunlin Yang, Hong-Jian Dou, Jin Huang,Siqi Ouyang and Ji-Rong Wen. KB4Rec: A Data Set for Linking Knowledge Bases with Recommender Systems. Data Intelligence 2019.